Yesterday I released a new Video! A little something because its been a long while since anything went on YouTube. Now I’m wrapping up a string of professional projects, and beginning some new ones, its a great time to put out some new stuff on the Traceurelements YouTube Channel! This Video was shot in Moreton […]
Marine Lake
As I currently cant show anything that’s in the works right now, I’ve uploaded a few photos from last year. This was during one of my visits up to the Wirral when we took a little trip out the the Marine Lake at West Kirby. We had a good time and played around, at this […]
Behind the Scenes – Live On
Live on was and to this day still is, probably my overall favorite video I’ve ever made. Just something about the blend of movement, music and good memories truly resonates with me. Considering, the actual content of the video, its surprising its done so well. Nothing in the video is especially big, most of it […]
The Cutting Room Floor
Last Winter, Wiliam Spencer (most known for the video Hollorado) stayed in Moreton at the Ilabaca Family House for a few weeks. During this time, there was a wealth of snow and ice so both Parkour and Skateboarding was difficult. It was cold, the days were short and we got bored. So we decided to […]
Behind the Scenes of Constant Motion
Constant Motion was the culmination of a winters worth of footage, mostly collected in Moreton. Daniel Ilabaca and myself sought to produce a film which featured Parkour-type movements, but which also explored other realms of expression. Skateboarding, Blading etc were all things we decided to film, but as we continued to film, we found that […]
London One
London has been a gravitas for the Parkour community since the art first hit the UK. Proving urban, spacious and fairly central to the majority of the southern areas, especially in terms of public transport, the city has become a world renowned hotbed for movement. Iconic locations appear in videos from travelling traceurs all the […]