So you want to know how to make a parkour video? We at Ampisound have got you covered. We’ve been making parkour videos since 2008, and picked up a little bit of experience on the way. Throughout this article we will explain how to get started with how to make a parkour video, what kind […]
How to Make a Parkour Video
Goodbye Cambridge at Sheffield Adventure Film Festival
Our film, ‘Goodbye Cambridge‘ will have its festival premiere at the Sheffield Adventure Film Festival on March 1-3 2013! This is the second time our work has been selected for ShAFF, with ‘Professor Longhair, Big Chief’ showing at last years festival. We’ll be at the festival on the 2nd March to present the film at […]
Important YouTube Parkour Videos – Part 4
We’re back with another roundup of the most important Parkour videos you can find on YouTube. These are my personal selections that have helped shape the way people see Parkour today. Owen and Jin were two Traceurs from Cambridge, UK. When Parkour was still in its fledgling state in the UK, these practitoners paved the […]
Important YouTube Parkour Videos – Part 3
Here is my third set of important videos that have shaped how Parkour filmmaking has developed over the years. You can read my previous two selections here (Part One) and (Part Two). So moving forward, I have a set of three more videos which I feel are really important to both filmmaking, but the actual […]
The Future of Resolution?
More and more I’m seeing tweets and posts about ‘red epic’ this and ‘wish I had a 4k camera’ that. I think a lot of this is fuelled by the notion that shooting with cinema grade cameras, means your films are also of a cinema level of polish and that just isn’t the case when […]
Following the Flow – Turbolenza
Sebastien Foucan, Jonny Wilkinson and Fineside
Just released a recent commercial project I directed for Jonny Wilkinson (of England Rugby fame). Up until now, I haven’t been able to announce anything but websites are live and I can finally reveal it! I was asked to produce a short film starring Sebastien Foucan (Casino Royale) as he puts the new clothing that […]
Ampisound Desktop Background Three
Its about the right time for another desktop background to download! With the Facebook page having more likes than ever, Youtube about to hit another milestone and a load of Traceurelements videos coming out very soon, here is the third wallpaper pack. I shot this image one afternoon in Lisses, whilst climbing the Dame Du […]
JUMP – Directors Cut
Following up on the previous post about the JUMP promotional film with Jason Paul and Carolin Riffel, I can now post a link here to the uncut version! We shot this short promo in London, with Jason and Carolin focusing on cooperative movements. An extra thankyou goes out to Alex Potts, who was essential to […]