Lisses & Evry

The sleepy suburb of Lisses is widely regarded as the birthplace of Parkour. For years it has been a location that Traceurs have traveled far and wide to visit, and is covered extensively in Duncan Germain’s feature length documentary, ‘Pilgrimage’. The widespread circulation of videos of the original Traceurs put Lisses on the map for […]

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Parkour with Luke (Reynolds)

Luke Reynolds in known for his fiery temper, and his fiery hair. Being one of the biggest, most muscular people I know (which to this day his dedication to working out still baffles me), Luke tends to find any strength focused movements particularly fun; and has been on the quest for a ‘Holy Grail’ climbup […]

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Parkour with Austin

Austin Phillips has lived two doors down from my house since before I can remember. We’ve probably known each other more than ten years, and in that time we briefly tried skateboarding, bmxing, martial arts, the whole lot. I fondly remember playing Hide & Seek around my home areas with him and a lot of […]

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